Jewish Family Service Calgary (JFSC) began when a small group, under the auspices of the Calgary Jewish Community Council (CJCC), met to consider the establishment of a social service agency in the Jewish community to provide counselling and financial assistance. Representatives from the Canadian Jewish Federation of Welfare Funds, the Calgary Jewish Administrative Office, Calgary B’nai Brith, National Council of Jewish Women, and the Jewish Relief Society met to discuss the establishment of the social service agency
JFSC began in September 1960 as the Jewish Family Service Bureau. The Bureau was incorporated under The Alberta Societies Act in the spring of 1961. Operations started with the services of a volunteer social worker. Funding to assist clients was obtained from various businesses in the city.
An interim Board of Directors was set up and officers elected. The Calgary chapter of the National Council for Jewish Women anticipated the need for a paid social worker and dedicated revenue from its first two Angel’s Balls to the hiring of the first paid social worker. The Jewish Family Service Bureau became a member agency of the United Jewish Appeal. In April of 1963, office space was made available in the Jewish Community Building and the Bureau formally opened for business.
Since then, JFSC has grown and evolved; it now offers a broad range of services to families and individuals in need in Calgary.