Life & Legacy

Legacy Giving helps us work towards securing a strong and sustainable future for JFSC. Your legacy gift helps us continue our critical role in the community, from this generation to the next.

LIFE & LEGACYⓇ is a collaboration of the Calgary Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation of Calgary, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, to promote after-lifetime giving to benefit the Calgary Jewish community.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our 73 donors as at March 31, 2023.

Create your own legacy in Calgary’s Jewish community with a gift in your will, retirement account or life insurance policy.

Learn more about the LIFE & LEGACY program, contact Lynn at 403-692-6395, email, or fill out a Letter of Intent.

"By making plans to leave a legacy gift, it made me feel a little less self-involved. I care about the disadvantaged and my decision to support JFSC is my way of showing that I am willing to walk the walk." Danny Oppenheim, JFSC Legacy donor.

Meet our Life & Legacy donors