JFSC is hosting “It’s Just Something I Do. Am I a Caregiver?” Navigating the Caregiver Label, a free virtual workshop with registered social worker Samantha Norberg, on Tuesday, March 15th, 10:00 –11:30am. To register click here, contact samanthan@jfsc.org or call 403-692-6392.
“It’s just something I do.” Many people do not realize or identify they are in a caregiving role – sometimes it’s because it is part of their culture, their family history, or has crept slowly into their lives. Caregiving roles can be isolating and emotionally and financially stressful. Many caregivers are unaware of the supports available to them, and by accepting this label they can increase the likelihood of success in their role.
This virtual session aims to identify who is a caregiver, explore the impacts of caregiving, and provide coping tools and access to supports. A caregiver is a spouse, partner, parent, child, relative or friend who provides unpaid support that is outside of their relational role.
JFSC’s Caregiver Support Program provides free social work services to carers of seniors (55+) with chronic illness and/or (dis)ability, including age-related concerns. Caregivers can access individual counselling, group sessions, education, and access to resources in the areas of aging and memory, dementia (such as Alzheimer’s Disease), chronic illness, coping and self-care strategies, grief and loss, and resiliency. For more information contact Samantha at samanthan@jfsc.org or call 403-692-6392.